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Governors are responsible for the strategic governance of the school to ensure that it delivers the best possible education and care. We do this by ensuring the vision and strategic direction is clearly defined, the educational performance of the nursery is supported and the financial resources are used effectively. 


The Headteacher and staff provide the Governing Board with information about the children’s life at various points throughout the year and we review this carefully. We feel able to challenge and support in a positive way, as a critical friend, and this is welcomed by the school and the Headteacher.  â€‹We have agreed a Code of Conduct and do not have separate committees because we are a relatively small group.


This means that we all have a good awareness of the different areas and we tend to make decisions as a whole Governing Board. We do have link governors who take a special interest in specific curriculum or governance areas (our Terms of Reference)


We share and support the general philosophy of the Headteachers and staff to provide a safe, caring environment where our children and their families feel they belong. We interact with parents at appropriate times and enjoy coming to the school to support this fundamental stage of children's development.


We are aware, at all times, of our role in monitoring the school through data and through regular discussion at meetings.

If you are interested in our work please  contact us through the school: we will be happy to meet you.

Hillview Governors
Carly Orbell 
& Lisa Orbell

Co-Opted Governor

Gemma  Williams 

Responsibilities: Co-Chair of Governors/SEND
Term of Office: Sept 21  - August 25 
Declaration of Interests:: None 

Co-Opted Governor

Claudia Calogero

Responsibilities: Co-Chair of Governors/Safeguarding/CPD
Term of Office: Sept 21  - August 25 
Declaration of Interests: None

Co-Opted Governor

Dipa Nandha

Responsibilities: Vice-Chair of Governors/Community
Term of Office: May 23  - April 27
Declaration of Interests: 

Co-Opted Governor

Dominique Tilney

Responsibilities: Curriculum
Term of Office: May 21  - April 25 
Declaration of Interests:: None

Associate Governor


Term of Office: 
Declaration of Interests: 

Staff Governor

Hannah Finegold

Term of Office: Sept 24  - August 28 
Declaration of Interests: None

Local Authority Governor

Heather Prior

Responsibilities: Finance
Term of Office: April 23  - Mar 27
Declaration of Interests:: None

Parent Governor

Saranga Vashi

Term of Office: Oct 22 - Sept 26
Declaration of Interests: 

Parent Governor

Aishah Karim

Responsibilities: SEN
Term of Office: May 21 - April 25 
Declaration of Interests: None

Click here for Attendance Register 29-11-23

Governors Code of Conduct

Governing Terms of Reference

Where every child is a unique child

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