Butterflies & Caterpillars
Our main room for children to enjoy and achieve, boasting an easily accessible outside classroom. A range of oraganised and child initiated activities take place throughout the day encouraging and supporting the varing levels of independance.
Traditional Tales

The children have been learning about traditional tales, they have used a range of materials to tell their own story. Can you guess which story they have learnt about this week?
Parent Story Time

Thank you to all of the parents who have dropped in to read a story to the children. As you can see, the children really enjoyed this activity. We hope to arrange for more parents to call in again soon.
Letter Writing & Local Walk

The children enjoyed writing letters and then braving the windy weather to post them in the post box last week.
Pizza Making

A yummy start to the new school year....pizza making! The children enjoyed chopping, grating and spreading. Bur most of all they enjoyed eating!
King Charles Coronation

The children had great fun celebrating the King's Coronation today. They shared a picnic, with cucumber sanwiches and strawberries, made crowns and coloured flags. The children enjoyed dancing to marching songs and listened to the story of King Charles III - and his colourful coronation by Marion Billet.

Today for International Day we celebrated the different cultures represented by our families. The children talked about their national clothing, flags and shared information about each others cultures and traditions. The children feel valued and it supports their self esteem, confidence and knowledge in understanding the world.
International Day

Sports Day

Balancing, throwing, catching and running! Staff and the children had great fun on a very hot and sticky Sports Day, where every child was a winner!
Father's Day

Thank you to all the dad's who were able to take time out to join their little one's for our Father's Day stay and Play. The children really enjoyed showing what fun they have during the day! Dad's were then treated to a cream tea and juice.